According to,
the debt at the end of the 1980 fiscal year, on September 30th, 1980, was $907,701,000,000.
On September 30th, 1981, it was $997,855,000,000. Averaging it out over the year gives a debt
of $246,997,260.27 per day.
Reagan took office 112 days later on January 20th, 1981.
The debt on that date could be estimated as $907,701,000,000 plus 112 x $246,997,260.27,
or $935,364,693,151.
Bill Clinton was the first president to slow the rate of the accrual of debt after
the current out-of-control spending began with the Borrow and Spend Republicans in 1981.
The final
amount of the senior Bush debt was $4,174,218,594,232.91 (according to, and Clinton became president on January 20th, 1993. Bill Clinton saw $1,553,558,144,071.73 added to the national
debt during the eight years of his presidency.
However, from the start of fiscal
year 1994 (7 months after Clinton became president), until the start of fiscal year 2002
(7 months after Bush took office), the amount of money paid toward interest on the
existing Federal debt was $2,767,282,794,374.59 (
Therefore, no amount of the national debt is attributable to Bill Clinton - his
policies of higher taxes and reduced spending actually simultaneously reduced the
debt and brought about the strongest economy since World War II, despite the fiscal
disaster left in the wake of Reagan and the first Bush.
The debt was at $5,727,776,738,304.64 on January 19th, 2001, the last business day
before George W. Bush took the office of president. The debt was at $10,628,881,485,510.23 on
January 16th, 2009, the last business day before Barack H. Obama became president.
During his administration, George W. Bush
increased the national debt by $4,901,104,747,205.59
and personally approved of the creation of 46%
of the entire national debt at the time of his tenure,
in only 8 years.
Starting in 2003, George W. Bush destroyed the world economy by encouraging U.S. banks
to make loans to those who could not afford them, through schemes such as the
Dream Downpayment Initiative", and through the elimination of oversight, such as
to prevent state securities laws
from being enforced on Bush's watch. Once Bush's policies led to their inevitable result of economic
the United States found itself in a situation where it had to increase the size of the annual Federal budget in order to
support and restore the economy, and then sustain that budget, to avoid another collapse.
The result of George W. Bush's Borrow-And-Spend Republicanism was a 2009 annual Federal government budget of $3,517,677,000,000,
and an economy too weak to avoid recession from cutting that budget.
The debt was at $10,628,881,485,510.23 on January 16th, 2009, the last business day
before Barack H. Obama took the office of president. The debt was at $19,944,429,217,106.77 on
January 19th, 2017, the last business day before Donald J. Trump became president. Barack Obama saw $9,315,547,731,596.54 added
to the national debt during the eight years of his presidency, but the interest on existing debt during the Obama Federal
fiscal years 2009-2016 was $3,292,801,087,111.17, so the working Federal budget debt accrued during the Obama years
was $6,022,746,644,485.33.
The final annual Bush budget deficit in 2009 was $1,412,688,000,000 and was brought down to almost a third of that, to $584,651,000,000,
by the end of Obama's second term (according to
If deficits had continued at the rate left by Bush, it would have resulted in $11,301,504,000,000 added to the deficit. Obama
saved the country $5,278,757,355,514.67 from what would have been spent under Borrow-And-Spend Republicanism.
Because of this, if the budget surplus that Bill Clinton had left Bush had been maintained,
Obama would have only made that surplus grow larger.
Therefore, all of the debt accrued
during the Obama administration was a result of the economic destruction left behind by Bush,
and all of that debt is attributable to the Bush administration,
and the failed policies of Borrow-And-Spend Republicanism.
That means that Ronald Wilson Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, George Walker Bush and Donald J Trump's
Borrow-And-Spend Republican administrations oversaw, approved, or caused to be spent, almost all of the national debt, except
for as much as
The current calculation on the site is based on the U.S. Treasury's published Total
Public Debt Outstanding as of
Friday, November 2, 2007,
when the debt was
Tuesday, September 4, 2007,
the debt was
This means that with the current national debt around
we're adding
per day, or
per second.
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